Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mid-Year Resolution: 2-Week Shopping Strike & Reviews

OK, so it doesn't seem like the type of thing I would decide to do just after starting a fashion blog, but I really need to start focusing on all the things I HAVE (which is a lot) and less on what I WANT! With all the EXTRA 20% OFFS and FREE SHIPPING, etc... promos that have been going on lately, I've found myself so caught up in "getting a deal" or "finding a certain item" that I'm not even appreciating all the gorgeous and unique items that I DO have.It seems very cliche.... like something my mom would tell me to do... but it seems very fitting right now. So instead of shopping at stores, I'm going shopping in my closet, and I'm going to post the details of what I find here!

For two weeks I am going to post a review of one of my favorite pieces already in my closet! Most items are probably still available for purchase .... likely on sale!

I'm going to give this shopping strike a try .... I've read other people's blogs about how they go on shopping strikes (usually for a month, but WHOA I am NOT ready for that!), and I think I'm ready!

1.) Clothing, shoes, accessories and jewelry are all included in this strike (this goes for myself, Connor, and Jamie)

2.) Household items that are not necessary are also included.

3.) Only 1 trip to Target allowed while on strike. (Yes, I do get everyday essential items there ... but also a lot more ... every trip there costs at least $100 ... so only 1 trip... maybe none if I'm good!)

4.) NO online shopping of any kind. (This especially goes for online stalking the JC sale updates in the morning ... NO NO NO!!)

5.) NO visiting J. Crew B&M (or anywhere like ATL, ON, or BR who ALWAYS have enticing sales of stuff I don't need!)

6.) Checking ONLY the "Looking to Find" section of the JCA Weekly Exchange post... not the "Looking to Sell", which I'm always a sucker for!

** Exclusions: (and now you will see just how soft I am...)

IF J.Crew has a 30% or more off sale items, I can purchase ONLY from the list of items that have been predetermined (right now) that I want/need: Cotton Ruffle Tank in Stone, Denim Cruise Shorts (size 2 or 4), SS neutral colored cardi in Small, metallic driving mocs in a 6. **

Alright .... I'm ready to do it. Starting tomorrow (as today was already a wash). 14 days may not seem like a long time to a lot of people, but it is to me, so wish me luck!! (and look for my reviews in the coming days!)


  1. Good luck with the strike, it sounds like a plan. Two weeks is a feasable objective, but I know I couldn't do it for a month. Especially at this time of the year with all those sales going on ...

    Can't wait to see what you find in your closet! BTW, did you wear the Elizabeth halter that you bought from me?

  2. Thanks! I'm already making excuses to get around it .... so we'll see!!

    Oh, Elizabeth is chilling in my closet .... I actually just steamed her yesterday... funny! I've been needing to do that before I could wear it ... I'd love to give it a go on Saturday if DH and I go out ... if so, I'll post some pics!! I have to keep the little guy away from those silk items, so it really limits when I can wear them!!


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