Friday, January 6, 2012

So Many Things .... Happy New Year!

Fell off the face of the planet for a while - and I would like to apologize for all the comments that I just got on here and posted!!  I love all of you and thank you so much for stopping by when you have time!

So, where have I been?  Ahh!  So much to discuss...

First off, planning for a week away from the kids while out of the country - Mexico - was a little more daunting than I expected.  Nothing makes you feel more important as a parent than trying to write down/explain/instruct about everything that goes on in a typical day!  Part of this has to do with my can't-let-go A-type personality ... ok, a lot has to do with that... but anyway, that was back in early November and it was something that I just needed to plan for and conquer before I could really spend any 'me' time.  My husband's cousin was getting married, so while away there was a lot of fun-family-time and also a lot of relaxing-without-the-kids-or-cell-phone-access time...

Gotta love a pool without kiddos!  ;)  J.Crew string bikini top and bottom in black here.  Funny, I had to wait months with these suckers on backorder.

Hubby and me .... after the wedding ceremony.

I realize from the first picture it would appear we had good weather, but I don't want to mislead you.... the weather sucked! Rainy and cloudy most of the time!  *BUMMED*  But, alas, an all-inclusive resort offers other activities I enjoy such as eating and drinking all day ...

I'm one of those 'Work Hard, Play Hard'  types.  I'm definitely a social/party girl by nature, and I enjoy a good beer, nice wine or a decent vodka/tequila .... usually all in a row....  I always joke that the only reason I go to the gym is so I can drink it all back!  (and then I laugh like I'm joking, but in reality, it's true.) Subsequently, a Mexican vacation takes someone like me a long time to recover from!  :)

Next week hit the Holiday circuit - Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years .... aka.  overeat, drink, overeat, drink, overeat, drink....  do you see a pattern here?! lol 

Wine tasting at Huber's Winery Christmas week - that's my sis in town from school with me!

Our attempt at a family picture on Thanksgiving...

New Years before we all went out - did I mention how much a love a good spray tan lately?!

So that brings us to current-day and here's what's up!  A friend of mine and I started our own image/closet/wardrobe consulting business called "Wardrobe Rehab" which is 'launching' this month ... more to come on that, of course!   But even more 'current' is the 21-Day RIP program I began on 1/1/12...

Well, actually, let's go back a couple of weeks to when the J.Crew blackwatch plaid pants I had planned on wearing on Christmas Day would no long button with a shirt tucked in (the way I tried them on and planned on wearing them about a month prior)  which, as you can imagine, was a very maddening wakeup call on Christmas morning - especially since I had cinnamon rolls in the oven that I was REALLY looking forward to ... *sad face* ... I have to say I was really bummed!  But it also got me motivated....

Another good friend of mine is an amazing personal trainer who conducts bootcamps, etc... and has moved into nutrition and workout planning online.  I decided to give it a go considering the last couple of months I've had .... .errr... OFF the nutrition wagon!  I opted for the RIP program, which is 21 days of what to eat and workout schedules, but there is also an option for just food, a beginner's program, etc...  Click {here} to find out more on!

So.... for the next few weeks I am blogging about my experience with the program - and ALSO trying to get back into the swing of fashion.... so please look for more to come and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

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